Gill Graham
Articles by Gill Graham
Tools To Help You Write High Quality Homeopathic Case Reports
An interview with Dr Robbert van Haselen
This is the 4th in a series of interviews covering Covid-19 Data collection and research.
I recently had the honour of talking to Dr Robbert van Haselen, MSc. He brings his scientific background to homeopathic research, pharmacy and practice. Dr....
Health Hawk- Recording The Patient’s Voice
An overview, following discussions with Dr Philippa Fibert
I recently had the opportunity to chat with Dr Philippa Fibert, who is involved in the Health Hawk projects together with Dr Clare Relton. She states that “Health Hawk is group of homeopaths working in...
Covid Data Collection Project– Peter Gold American Institute of Homeopathy (AIH)
This interview, with Peter Gold of The American Institute of Homeopathy, (AIH), is the first in a series, which discusses the methods and outcome of the data collection following homeopathic treatment of COVID-19, from March, 2020, to date. In this...
Vermont - Another Win for Homeopathy, and Health Choice Freedom
This article was written several months ago, but highlights how persistence pays off and how important it is for those who believe in freedom of choice in medicine and ultimately justice, have a right to be heard.
The current...
Homeopathy grows more popular in Scotland!
Homeopathy grows more popular in Scotland!
In Scotland, the NHS still continues to fund homeopathy and the wonderful news is that in 2017, there was an increase of 9% in expenditure in NHS homeopathy in the Grampian region. In discussing this rise and in defence of the expenditure, an NHS...
Magic Pills UK Premiere, School of Pharmacy, April 27th, 2018
Reprinted from Homeopathy Worked For Me
What is ‘Astroturfing’? And is it applicable to the natural health industry and homeopathy?
In the book ‘Grassroots for Hire: Public Affairs Consultants in American Democracy’ (2014,) Edward Walker defines ‘astroturfing’ as: ‘Public participation that is perceived as heavily incentivised, as fraudulent...

Gill Graham
Contributing reporter
Gill Graham, Registered Homeopath
I am a passionate health care professional, now focusing mostly on the homeopathic approach to healing, although I have broad experience and am qualified in many holistic and naturopathic disciplines. Having experienced first-hand the frightening and sometimes dangerous side effects of conventional medicine, I am a strong advocate for natural alternatives, wherever possible, and integration of the two systems, should it be necessary. My aim is to educate the patient to take responsibility for their own health, which many have found empowering, and life changing. I also think it is essential that a patient is treated on every level (mind, body, spirit) and treatment tailored to their individual presentation of a condition, taking into account their unique susceptibilities. When I am not practicing, I am generally writing, and have a strong sense of duty to inform society about recent developments and research in homeopathy: ‘The Art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe’ (Gustave Flaubert.)