This post has taken a long time to write, it is difficult to do so. Dr. Pratip Banerji, co-creator of the Banerji protocols and a key character in Magic Pills has passed away surprisingly, shockingly. This is a deeply felt loss in the homeopathic community and for the many thousands, or dare I say hundreds of thousand of people that consider themselves his patients.
The Banerjis were a famous Indian duo who revolutionized homeopathy. Their system of protocols allows for homeopaths to treat many, many more people per day, and they especially became known for their successes in working with cancer patients. A typical day at the clinic started at 7am and ended at 10pm. On some nights there was also a free night clinic in a local market run by the other doctors working from the clinic. Using Banerji protocols they attended to hundreds of impoverished people every night they were open. The Banerjis rarely took a break, their work too important, every patient a person in critical need of their care. If you’ve watched Magic Pills you got a glimpse of the incredible work these 2 men and their inspired team were capable of.

In memory of Dr. Pratip Banerji
Dr. Prasanta Banerji sadly passed away May of 2018, not so long after our visit. He was a hero to many in the homeopathic community; author, teacher, innovator, physician to presidents, celebrities, and paupers. He left an enormous hole to fill. He worked side by side with his son, Dr. Pratip Banerji for decades. Dr. Pratip upheld the legacy and maintained the Dr. Prasanta Banerji Homoeopathic Research Foundation and clinic.
On Jan. 18th 2021, we lost another giant. Dr. Pratip Banerji was a homeopathic master, healer, philosopher, philanthropist, intellectual, and alongside his father one of the most dedicated people I have ever met.
I originally met the Doctors at a homeopathic conference in Toronto where they presented their incredible work and the results of their research. This inspired me to learn more and come to Kolkata to learn more about their efforts. The Banerjis greeted my and my crew with warmth and open arms. They gave us free reign of the clinic and allowed us to speak with anyone we came across. They were profoundly generous with their time and resources.
Our first morning at the clinic we witnessed the thousand people lined up at the front of the building. People who had come from all over the subcontinent to have a consultation at the famous clinic. For the Banerjis it was more important that all be served than making a profit. They provided free services for many, charging only for the medicines. And they taught their students to do the same. Dr. Pratip was outraged at how the conventional medical community was guided by profits. He was driven by a love for his craft and to follow in his family’s footsteps, ancestors who’s impact on Indian culture was tremendous. You can learn more here
I last spoke to Dr. Pratip about 3 months ago, we have a video call. He had grown a covid beard and was sharing his new Thuja protocols. Despite the lockdown he seemed energetic, and pleased to be spending time with his family. I love that final memory of him, one that I will hold with me.
Dr. Pratip Banerji had an enormous heart, with which he touched and improved the lives of millions, he truly touched the sky.
The clinic continues to be run by a team of doctors trained by the greats and becoming great of their own accord. Visit to learn more about the Banerji legacy.
As we believe in giving various perspectives a voice, we may publish ideas we don't necessarily agree with, therefore the views of the authors do not necessarily reflect the views of Magic Pills, Ananda More, or Phosphorus Films.