Illuminate film festival
5 years of shooting
9 countries
200 hours of footage
6 months of editing
4 months of post
all culminating in today's announcement!I realize it has been a long time since you heard from me. Speaking for the team at Magic Pills we have had a long journey full of adventure, obstacles, divine intervention, and finally, I have the honor and pleasure of letting you know that the documentary will be premiering at the Illuminate Film Festival in Sedona on June 3rd, 2017! And we could have never done it without your support!
If you or anyone you know is in Arizona and wants to come please share this - we're having a contest for any new people who join our mailing list using this link www.magicpillsmovie.com/azcontest can win 2 tickets to the World Premiere in Sedona Arizona. Get your friends together, come one, come all for this event that will set the stage for the success of the film and the exposure of a new public narrative on homeopathy to the world.
And now the journey begins to get this film seen around the world. Our goal is that this documentary will act as a catalyst to a growing more equal discussion on the topic, an awareness of the research and the need for more research, and the importance of integrative medicine and freedom of choice in health care.
We are now crafting our screening strategy and a new website, and we're looking for people who want to write and collaborate.
If you are interested in helping bring the film to your city or neighborhood, please let us know. We are compiling a list of people who want to host screenings - so we can plan a fantastic global tour of the film.
Share with your friends, and let's start a movement!
As we believe in giving various perspectives a voice, we may publish ideas we don't necessarily agree with, therefore the views of the authors do not necessarily reflect the views of Magic Pills, Ananda More, or Phosphorus Films.